Candles of Hope

At 10pm on Saturday Relay comes to a halt and everyone gathers to remember those who have lost their lives to cancer Specially decorated candle bags are set around the track. They are dedicated to those whose lives have been touched by cancer.
Each candle is lit as darkness falls and everyone is invited to join in a special dedication ceremony.
Afterwards everyone walks around the candlelit track in silence, in honour of all those remembered in this way.
The candles will remain alight while the Relayers walk through the night and on into Sunday. This is to symbolise that cancer never sleeps.
Donate as much as you can afford towards the valuable work done by Cancer Research UK. The money donated will fund work carried out by scientists to help relieve suffering and hopefully one day find a cure for most cancers. Your donation will buy a candle that will be displayed at Relay for Life.

Dedicate your bag in memory of someone lost to cancer, to someone living with cancer or to celebrate a loved ones survival. You could also just make a general dedication on your bag for all cancer survivors or to remember all those lost to cancer.

Personalise your own tribute to either someone diagnosed with cancer, to a survivor or to someone who has died from cancer with messages, drawings, poems, photos and stickers. A candle is placed inside the decorated bag before it is displayed around the relay track.